


We are in a workforce crisis.  There are not enough skilled workers and the pandemic has expedited our workforce shortage by prompting an early retirement for many. I sat on the Anoka County Workforce Development Board for four years with representatives from the education, financial, trades and entrepreneurial sectors work towards filling our pipelines and creating better opportunities for underserved populations.   

As Chair of the Management Committee, I work hard to create an inclusive workplace for our 2,200 employees with competitive pay, and continue to advocate for:

  • Supporting the trades industries
  • Promoting our community and technical colleges
  • Advance good-paying trade professions in Anoka County

Human Services/Public Safety

These issues have touched nearly everyone in Anoka County.  They are complicated problems that will need long-term advocacy and focus to find efficient and accessible solutions. 

I have served on the Human Services Committee and Metropolitan Emergency Services Board for the past five years.  As Chair of the Human Services Committee, I ensure public health and social services is a top priority for our family,  friends, and neighbors not only in District 7, but the entire county. 

I also continue to work on:

  • Tackling the opioid crisis through policy, resources, and awareness
  • Promoting our mental health services, including incorporating them in our correction and jail facilities
  • Voting to contract street outreach social workers to engage with our homeless community

Community Development

I’ve spent nearly 20 years cultivating a diverse network.  I’ve proven my ability to identify problems, and solve them by collaborating with public and private sectors for the best solutions to benefit our community. This continues to be a driver for all the work I do on your behalf.

Community development to me, means:

  • Safe and functioning roads, trails and parks
  • Up to code and 21st-Century-Ready public buildings spaces
  • Access to broadband connectivity 
  • Promoting open dialogue and engagement with diverse communities