Community Projects
I’ve spent over a decade cultivating a diverse network and I’ve proven my ability to identify problems and solve them by collaborating with public and private sectors for the best solutions to benefit our community. This continues to be a driver for all the work I do on your behalf.
Community development to me means:
- Safe and functioning roads, trails and parks
- Up to code and 21st-Century-Ready public buildings spaces
- Access to broadband connectivity
- Promoting open dialogue and engagement with diverse communities
Some of the projects I am most proud of are:
Fighting Food Insecurity— I have been a long-time volunteer and supporter of SACA Food Shelf, located in Columbia Heights. I have the privilege to be part of their Capital Campaign Committee with other community leaders. We are currently raising funds for a new building that will be able to serve the demands of the region.
Ending Domestic Violence Against Women— I have been a long-time volunteer and supporter of Alexandra House, a local non-profit dedicated to empowering victims of domestic violence. Alexandra House offers programs throughout Anoka County including legal advocacy, police and hospital referrals and an emergency domestic violence shelter for women and children.
In addition to volunteering and fundraising efforts, I have emceed their Hope Gala for the past two years.
Financial Expertise— As a County Commissioner, I am responsible for managing a $350M annual budget and setting the levy. I practice fiscal responsibility while ensuring our community’s long-term needs are addressed.
Mental Health and Addiction— As a board member for the Mercy Hospital Foundation, I have been part of community engagement groups to discuss the new and changing services at Mercy Hospitals. As a board member, I help educate our county about available Mental Health and Addiction services, providing a better understanding and more compassion about mental health issues.
We are currently raising funds to build the first Integrated Mental Health and Addiction facility in our state.

Keynote Speaker for the Anoka County Heading Home Veteran Celebration 2020
Keynote Speaker for the ABE (Adult Basic Education) Graduation 2021:Article and speech LINK
Keynote Presenter for the Axillary All Girls State 2021
Keynote Presenter for the Axillary All Girls State 2021 and 2022
Saving Community Tax Dollars— I’ll work hard to continue being a good steward of your tax dollars. An example of this work is my efforts for the Fridley City Hall. The Fridley City Hall went through their entire process and was approved and scheduled to start construction when at the last minute, there was opposition. The opposition had good language, but it was misleading and would have cost residents millions of dollars, leaving Fridley with an inadequate facility for the fire, police, and residents. I led and organized the community campaign in support of the new City Hall. Our campaign was successful and allowed construction to start on time, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
This success has earned me the endorsement of Fridley Mayor, Scott Lund, the entire Fridley City Council, Representative Connie Bernardy and former Senator Barb Goodwin.
Education— I co-founded and organized the group, Fridley TRIP. Fridley Middle School offers a biannual trip to Washington DC. Many families wanted to participate but struggled financially to send their students. (Fridley has a 65% free and reduced lunch rate population). I organized and led parents to participate in a year of fundraising activities. At the end of the year, over $10K was raised for these families and a scholarship fund was made for future students.
2021—Inner Hero Award. In recognition of service for “Safer Communities” by serving on the Fridley Police Advisory Group
2021—Healthy Mind Healthy Body Award. For promoting Mental Health and Wellness in Anoka County
2012 – Friend of Youth Leadership Award for “Innovative Funding Leadership” from The Youth Intervention Programs Assn (YIPA) for my work with the Lee Carlson Center for Mental Health & Well-Being.